Laser Engraving

Laser Engraving

We have been engraving Trophies, Glass, Signs, Awards and Giftware for over 20 years using firstly a manual pantograph machine and then computerised engraving machines.  Due to a greater variety in the requests we were getting we decided it was time to invest in a laser engraving machine in June 2019 and have spent a…

Dimple Keys

Dimple Keys

There are a lot of different Security Keys and locks appearing not only on business premises but also on domestic doors. Some keys are the traditional looking keys that most people know but becoming more popular are Dimple keys. A dimple key has a rectangular blade with various cone-shaped dimples drilled into the face of the…

House Number Plaques

House Number Plaques

It’s a nightmare for the Postman, Couriers and visitors trying to find the correct address when properties don’t have  visible house number plaques or signs.  Whether you are looking for house number plaques for a residential or a commercial property within the Northampton area we can help. Over the years fashions and trends change. Acrylic…