Key Duplication Headaches
There are so many places locally where you can find key duplication services. Those that attempt to cut keys include local discount shops, pharmacies, local DIY stores and shoe repairers. Do they really have the knowledge or the range of key blanks needed to do this job? At Northampton Locksmiths we stock a large range of keys from standard Yale keys to the Patented High Security keys. We pride ourselves on the service we give to our customers. If our keys do not fit we will try everything to rectify this for you.
Key Duplication Considerations
There are so many things to take into consideration when cutting keys. Key cutting is the term we use most often here in the UK to describe key duplication. Considerations include: is the machine set right, is the key in the machine properly and are you using the right key blank? More importantly though does the customer’s key work their lock without sticking, catching or having to be pulled out. Our machine follows your key and will only copy your existing keys cuts.
Keys repeatedly cut from keys will have very slight changes depending on where you get them cut. You also have to take into consideration that keys and locks wear due to use and this will affect the way they work. Whether it’s a cylinder or a mortice key if they are bent or cracked this will also affect the copying. As we also sell locks in our retail shop we regularly cut spare keys for our customers. We are therefore always aware of our machines’ settings.
After getting a new key cut we advise opening the door with your existing key. Then with the door in the open position try any new keys to make sure they work okay. Customers often say to us that they are giving keys to other people and we always tell them to check they work before doing so. Most of the keys we cut work first time. We can’t however make keys work better than the key you give us to copy.
Our Key Duplication Service
We try to mark all of our key blanks so we know we have cut them and not another company. We have had customers try to convince us they used our key duplication service when it clearly has another retailers name on it.
- Standard keys – These are freely available in any shop that cuts keys (not only locksmiths).
- Semi restricted keys – These are keys that were restricted but the patent has run out. They are available for people to attempt the cutting of them.
- Restricted keys – These are keys that still have a Patent on them. This stops key manufactures making copy key blanks. Only approved locksmiths to cut them.
We have a range of locks that use dimple keys (holes drilled into the flat of keys) these usually come with a card which has the code on it or we can read the key in our key machine. These very rarely have the problems you get with cylinder and mortice keys as they are cut to code and not to pattern.
Standard keys are cheaper than Semi restricted and Patented keys but you get the level of security and quality that you pay for.
We keep a large range of keys and some are more popular than others. If we don’t have the keys you need we will try to identify it in our catalogues and will order them for you even if you only want the one copy. In the event we are unable to find your key in our catalogues we will send a picture of both sides of it to our suppliers and see if they can identify it for us.
Should you want to see if we can cut your keys and how much they will cost, send us a picture of them and we will either call or email you back. In some cases we might need a picture of both sides of each key to do this.
For more information about our key duplication (key cutting) service and some sample prices please visit our key cutting page.
Hi I am on holiday at billings aquadrome and have broken one of my caravan keys was wondering if you are able to cut one it says on it wd098
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the key duplication enquiry regarding your caravan. I’ve contacted directly to advise that we can assist you with your key cutting needs and obtain what you need via a key to code.
Kind regards
Sharon Joynes